Compensation against Google for Huawei enforceable?


I have a legal question.

Google will exclude Huawei smartphones from Android.

Since I and a few others (a few million will be) have already paid for this service, namely the operating system, and will now suffer damage, would compensation for the loss of use still be possible?

Theoretically, one could also sue Huawei and then again would have to sue Google.

Somebody has to be responsible for that?

Lg may be happy about requests for class action


Where do you suffer harm? That applies to smartphones after the 20.05 … All those before that were manufactured and sold receive normal updates.


If you sue somebody, Huawei, if they promise software updates for 3 years, Huawei has no legal basis to sue Google. Apart from that, the millions of users are not affected at all, they may still use Android, get updates for a while. So you can't sue Huawei (can't, just does not bring anything)


As far as I'm informed is the support for existing smartphones only a few weeks.

After that comes a big question mark.


Well and even if. What do you want to do? Do you believe in Google's and Huawei's terms and conditions do not stand any clauses that fine-talk out of the matter? But hello. You will not have a chance. Rather, one will laugh at you in a lawsuit.


Where does a loss of use arise?

The devices Android is indeed not withdrawn. You probably do not get any more version upgrades, but that was not infinite anyway, but depending on the release date of the phone then for the next version. But that does not mean any loss of use.

Huawei's newer phones may get their own operating systems, but I remember times past when not every phone had Android, but actually had their own operating systems.

Who knows, maybe it's not so bad, if the data-crazy Android is not fed that way…

First of all, one should also wait and see if the measures will not be suspended again after the extension of the deadline…

The decisions of a Mr. T. Are not so fix, but with his opinions and decisions so very "flexible":)