Huawei, can I get compensation there?

- in Mate series

I got the Huaweii Mate 20 in January. With contract. Now Google wants to suddenly cancel the cooperation with Huawei. That's actually a sour thing. I finally pay for my contract. Can Google just do that? Can you get compensation there? What can I do if Trump does not want Huawei phones in America? For one thing, it's none of his business. For another, what does Europe have to do with America. I do not see what I pay for what I can't pay for. So can you get compensation there? What does Trump and Google have against Huawei? Do I have to continue to pay my contract or can I refuse?


I have a Huawei myself and was incredibly frantic because I'm new to it as well. But I've been told: that's true of the new models and devices that are coming on the market NOW and are now being sold. The previous users of Huawei smartphones can continue to use it. You may eventually get no new updates, but let's be honest: Until you really need a new update, the phone is already broken and you need a new XD
And a kind of compensation would be hard to wonder if you got something there.


I also have the Mate 20 and I love it. Do not panic. The existing devices that are sold and stored are not affected.

Only the upcoming devices z. B Mate 30, p40, honor 20 Pro, etc. Are affected.

I'm not crazy either, I would not give my mate for anything


Above all, the camera is extremely good. The pictures are really top that makes the camera. Since you can forget any iPhone, Samsung, etc.


That is how I see it too. Have an iPhone 8 and a Samsung s9+ still in the household. The battery and the camera is none of the devices. That's why I would never leave my mate for such a jerk over there.


Google announces nothing at all, they are forced by the president, Android is a US software and thus the US president can restrict who can benefit and who is not if a company is under suspicion of spying.

You have a smartphone that you can use unrestrictedly, Huawei has not guaranteed that you can use the Android system on it permanently, currently there are only no more Android updates for already used Huawei and Honor smartphones and tablets.

Therefore, you can't claim any compensation and you can't reverse the purchase, and your mobile phone contract has nothing to do with the smartphone, these are 2 separate contracts, and it could only the statutory withdrawal period be used in online contracts

After the withdrawal period you have very little chance to get rid of your smartphone. Even an exclusion from the Playstore means no "lack of equipment". You also have no warranty claim for updates. Moreover, if in doubt, Huawei would be able to rely on not being the cause of the problems and being subject to "force majeure"

And that's up to date