Can I stop using my Huawei Pro soon?


According to Trump, only US intelligence agencies are allowed to listen to us, Chinese intelligence agencies can't play anymore, what does that mean for my 1000 euro smartphone? Is there compensation?


The regulation only applies to new sales. Currently in use can still be used.


According to current information, mobile phones are unaffected by Trump's decision today and their "black list".
If you buy "Huawai" now, then all Google functions are not usable and the whole system is not available (Android).

For currently activated mobile phones nothing should change.


The blocking of Google Sturgeons affects everyone


Already purchased Huawei phones should continue to work according to Google, but Huawei may no longer release version updates for Android.


Not quite right, but wrong.

Mobile phones that are already on the market are no longer receiving security updates from Google. Everything else will continue to work.

And for future models, this only affects the Google Apps.

Say the apps from Google may not be installed anymore.

Android is not affected because Android is open source.


I'm curious what this nonsense will bring with it.

No security updates for Android is stupid. If Google apps were no longer usable at some point, that would not be such a hit.

Let's wait.

Also raises the question of how this will be in the future with other Chinese manufacturers. And what about companies that use parts produced in China, such as Apple?


No security updates sound like "useless" to me.


That's as if my phone is outdated and no updates anymore although it is new, I wanted to use it at least 2 years and was finally happy to have a better alrernative to the iPhone. No updates is unacceptable!


And not to forget, no Android version updates.


Aha? If you no longer install updates on your Windows, is it useless?


Why should there be no more Android updates? Android is still open source.

The updates are indeed not distributed by Google to the phones, but from the manufacturer.


That was a bad comparison now, did you ever have an old Android phone? Eventually, the apps will not work anymore because they have been optimized for the new operating system, apart from the fact that a Samsung user can fully use the new Android function and not me though just as much if not more and if security holes are not closed I think it's useless.


First drink tea and wait.

I'm for example. Currently in an order process (order placed on Friday, currently waiting for the processing)


Was finally happy to have a better alternative to the iPhone. No updates is unacceptable!
Funny, that you just bought an Android phone…


What else? Windows phone? Symbian?


No, I would just have stayed with the iPhone. This is a) not dead and receives b) updates.

You can think of Apple and iPhones what you want, but to buy Android and to complain against the background of the criticism of the last few years that you get no more updates, is funny. And not just since Google Huawai kick out.


Both only partially.




Android and iPhone have been discussed too often elsewhere. He is concerned that he is worried about the continued use of his device, and has only given as background the info that he had changed to android because he was unhappy with iphone.


Yes, I already understood that. I can still find it amusing? What does not understand is the comment "both only conditionally.".


That related to "not dead" and "getting updates". But as I said the discussion has already been conducted elsewhere.


The fact is that all devices that are currently on the market will continue to be supported, so there's no depreciation.

And even if, Huawei can access AOSP and even create updates with it, if not quite so "fast". (If the updates ever came "fast".)


You are already aware of the meaning of the word "alternative"?


Yes. I know what that means. Are you aware that "better" misses the word "alternative" a small change of meaning?