Do you think Germany should stop trading with the US?


Donald Trump hasn't done the wisest things lately, be it with Huawei and the blacklist, or as far as we're concerned, he's relocated American troops from Germany. Do you think it would be better if Germany would simply stop trading with the USA and do more trade with China and Russia and so on. Because the US (whether you like it or not) is more or less dependent on all of us! They consume more than they produce, etc. To just show that we don't put up with all of Trump's stupid decisions, do you think it would make sense to simply stop trading with the United States?

What do you think?



Dear time, where are you from, from the land of the unsuspecting?

The United States is the main customer for our goods.

We would be broke without.


I've read a lot of stupid ideas here. But ending trade with the United States is clearly the stupidest idea today and is suspicious of price.


The way the Trumpel is currently performing and the polls in the swing states are, he currently has very good chances of being voted out.

Why get involved in a great bickering with an idiot that we might be rid of in six months?

It remains to be seen whether Biden Europe is particularly benevolent, but the broad normalization of US relations with the rest of the world would then be expected.

That being said, trade needs sales markets, that is, wealthy customers. If you look at GDP per capita in China and Russia, it should become clear that this would not be an adequate substitute for market shares in the states.

Terminating trade relationships is rarely a sensible measure. If you moved a bit away from the United States in terms of international cooperation and focused on building Europe, I wouldn't mind.

However, getting involved in a trade war with the states because of a failed president who is losing all backing in the country and is likely to be sunk in the upcoming election is nonsense.


Germany exports more goods than it imports. Now guess who is one of the biggest buyers. We already have many losses due to Corona, then there are even more unemployed.


Only treat economic cooperation / trade as neutrally as with other countries. If the United States then sanctions, it is easier to return sanctions and to increase trade elsewhere until the trading partner calms down.