Are Germans old-fashioned?


This question is not meant to be offensive. But somehow I got the impression that most of the Germans were a bit out of time. What I can observe in Germans:

-They were either not a car at all and only a train, which is a shame in many other European countries, e.g. In France, Austria, Italy or England As a failure when you use public transport.

-When you drive a car, it is usually quite simple and outdated models: Opel from 2008, VW from 2005, Mini from 2012. Cars do not seem to be a status symbol in the German normal shift. It is of course different in the German upper class on the west ends of German cities.

-German do not value their own residential property.

-German listen to outdated music, often Eurodance (songs like Around the World (Lalalalala), Blue (Dabade) or Happy Holiday and similar songs)

-German often have very old cell phones. Year of construction 2014 or older. In addition, often cheap brands such as Huawei, Cubot or similar.

-German have poorer command of English than most other Europeans.

-Young Germans have no ambitions and have nothing on their minds except partying. You simply live the life described here with Eurodance, Bundesliga and Opel, without the need to achieve anything or to build wealth.

-German men are extremely unfashionable. Most of them dress very simply and inconspicuously. If the world were made up of Germans, the men's fashion companies could close down.

-German are absolutely gifted when it comes to IT beings and computers. You use this technology, but you hardly know anything about it. In addition, Germany has the worst Internet in Europe, even poorer European countries such as Romania or Lithuania have much better Wi-Fi than Germany.

Is my impression of the average German more or less correct, or have I apparently only ever seen this type of German by chance? It should also be mentioned that I made these observations in Bavaria, but I can't say whether it is the same anywhere else in Germany. Of course, I also know that it used to be very different. Some time ago the Germans were considered extremely hard-working and ambitious, educated and future-oriented, and also as the land of poets and thinkers. Furthermore, my description refers to young Germans / Bavarians, older Germans are of course completely different.

And no, I'm not a German hater, I'm from Bavaria myself and love my homeland.


So in my circle of friends and acquaintances there are some people to whom some of your impressions apply, but at the same time I can give you a number of examples (including myself) that are absolutely not that "old-fashioned". For my age I'm very good at English and with computers, I love to wear elegant shirt and blazer combinations and listen to all kinds of music from dubstep to older metal.

So I can partly understand your impression, but there are still very many Germans who absolutely do not fit into this picture.


I agree. The good German has to buy a new iPhone every 6 months, lease a new car every 2 years, change his wardrobe every year and of course only listen to the latest songs.

- This comment was presented to you by the German Trade Association


-They were either not a car at all and only a train, which is a shame in many other European countries, e.g. In France, Austria, Italy or England As a failure when you use public transport.

Well, on the one hand, their infrastructure is probably not that well developed, on the other hand, they are very proud countries. If we speak of English skills, the French simply refuse to learn / speak English. And in England people still dream of the long gone british empire. So now you're looking for other things to be proud of. For example, on driving a car. What do you call that again? Oh yes, pathetic.

-When you drive a car, it is usually quite simple and outdated models: Opel from 2008, VW from 2005, Mini from 2012. Cars do not seem to be a status symbol in the German normal shift. It is of course different in the German upper class on the west ends of German cities.

So status symbols are modern? Huh. Must have passed me by. Apart from the fact that German cars are still known all over the world and it is still not for nothing that the "German's favorite child" is his car.

-German do not value their own residential property.

Please explain to me the connection between rented apartment and old-fashioned.

-German listen to outdated music, often Eurodance (songs like Around the World (Lalalalala), Blue (Dabade) or Happy Holiday and similar songs)

Well, I do not know. But I think most would agree that most of the "new songs don't come close to the classics from back then."

-German often have very old cell phones. Year of construction 2014 or older. In addition, often cheap brands such as Huawei, Cubot or similar.

And? Tell me, can it be that you mistake modern for snobbery?

-German have poorer command of English than most other Europeans.

Is that so?

-Young Germans have no ambitions and have nothing on their minds except partying. You simply live the life described here with Eurodance, Bundesliga and Opel, without the need to achieve anything or to build wealth.

There are, of course. And they don't exist in other European countries?

-German men are extremely unfashionable. Most of them dress very simply and inconspicuously. If the world were made up of Germans, the men's fashion companies could close down.

Here, too, the question: What does an inconspicuous style of clothing have to do with old-fashioned?

-German are absolutely gifted when it comes to IT beings and computers. You use this technology, but you hardly know anything about it. In addition, Germany has the worst Internet in Europe, even poorer European countries such as Romania or Lithuania have much better Wi-Fi than Germany.

The latter is true, the former is not. There are also large German IT companies.


In many inner cities, you can travel faster by public transport than by car.

A motorbike is primarily there to transport people and things from A to B. Of course, everyone is free to turn it into a lifestyle and buy an autonomous super car, which, in addition to driving, can also cook, iron or mix a fresh drink. But try parking a fat lemonade in Cologne. (Warning: this section may contain traces of hyperbola)

NOTHING AGAINST EUROBEAT! Everything that is currently being called "music" in the Spotify charts pales in comparison.

A cell phone does not have to be expensive or brand new to have the individually required functions.

Fashion doesn't have to look screeching and flashy to be functional and appropriate to the occasion.

I find a fixation and reduction to status symbols strange and then rather ask myself whether this person has to compensate for any deficits.


So you are only "up to date" if you are busy kosuming?

Although I have owner-occupied residential property (a small, old middle-row house), I could afford quite a few status symbols in terms of income… However, I do not place any value on ostentatious showing off.

Above all, I want to use my mobile phone to make calls and be available by phone. I don't need the latest model for that.

For me, a car is simply a means of transportation. That's why my Volvo is already a good twenty years old, is well cared for, always passes TÜV without any problems and is still serving me faithfully.

By the way: What's embarrassing about using public transport?

In other countries, foreign language skills are far less pronounced.

Does the term "sustainability" mean anything to you? In addition, a very safe way into your own over-indebtedness is if you constantly buy something new!

With my method I have made quite a substantial fortune. So I don't need to be afraid of old-age poverty.


No problem, I'm not saying that such an attitude is wrong and to be honest, I live a bit like that myself. My iPad is from 2016, I don't have a car or own a home.