G20 / Trump: Coupling at summit meetings?


I have noticed that:

At summit meetings with other heads of state, such as the G20, Trump is always conciliatory and gives generous "gifts" in the form of concessions.

As soon as he gets home, he takes her back and trumpets against everyone in the old fashioned way.

Now with China: Huawei is again "supplied" and there are no further punitive tariffs planned…

How long will it take for the concession to be back in the past?

Does Trump seem to be scared of being a bogeyman when he faces people directly and does that because of that?

Actually, this is a typical "wrong snake" behavior… You laugh in your face and when you turn around you have a knife in the back…


Maybe he's just American. You're right, I've noticed that he turns his mind 180 degrees back and forth


Trump is extremely manipulatable. One of his party comrades once said that he always takes the opinion of his interlocutor and simply admires every person of respect when conversing with her.

Probably that is also the reason why unpleasant state guests are not even received by Him. He knows about his weakness.


That's thoughtful and planned tactics. He behaves exactly as it says in the "script". There's no harmony, there are only interests. Trump's interest is not in the election to let the stock market prices, the opposite is the case.


I wonder if that is a smart tactic… But Huawei will not fall for it… These are pros


Huawei is probably between hope and anxiety… Therefore, they will stick to their plan B.