Which company office job would be suitable for me?


I go to the summer holidays on vocational college with a focus on: Economics, because I want to make a career in the future in the direction of commercial activities and my medium maturity nachhole possibly With qualification but my Fachabi for 2 more years I would not do.

I already know my job in the area of marketing because I've done something myself for 3 years where people can do it, design, advertising, and that's why the profession of marketing communication was what sounded good to me, but what I've read that way Tasks you have, then it really works abnormally much.


I'm organized
I like to work in front of the PC
Do my work carefully
Can work mediocre fast
I'm creative
Understand psychology and how ads work
I'm not very spontaneous, which can be difficult for sudden calls and customer meetings
Had in the final exam in maths a 1, in English a 2, in German a 3. But I can say from my side that I speak very little in English, but read more and understand.

Administrative assistant I also noticed because I was recently at the Burgeramt and I thought how pleasant the job is because they are all sitting there, talking and with customers are not stressed out of sheer tasks. Customer service at mobile phone companies like Samsung or Huawei, I would also see as part of my interests because I know about cell phones but I think that the profession is paid below average.

So sit in the office, write emails, bookkeeping, customer service with live chat or social media I would like already in the profession.

Please write useful answers and suggestions!


Businessman for office management fits your description perfectly.


I think so too. Only one of the simplest professions can be expected.


Businessman for office management.


So businessman for office management fits there just as well as Verwaltungsfachangstellter. If you want to sneak in there just write an e-mail to the next administration (city / municipality, district office or similar), such internships will i.d.R. Not advertised, but are possible.

Have fun looking:-)


My Berufskolleg meant that we still have to do a 3 weeks internship in the field of commercial matters. I would just have to look at which topic in the profession would interest me the most


Then more retailer✌


There are no "simple" professions.


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