Should Germany also ban Huawei?


The Americans have banned Huawei's network devices and 5G stations as Huawei is suspected of providing espionage equipment to the Chinese government.

Why does Germany and France continue to rely on Huawei? Should Germany also ban Huawei?


If we want to ban everything that is suspected of being used for espionage by foreign powers… - first of all Microsoft products, Google products and Co.

When we do that, a lot of things suddenly stop happening here.


Why should we ban the use of Huawei's network technology because American intelligence agencies, who see themselves as a direct economic competitor to their somewhat lagging telecommunications giants, suspect that backdoors might exist there, while we've long known that in Cisco's facilities, and so on. Such backdoors are present in any case?




So we just throw all our misgivings over the pile and make our trade secrets freeware in addition to the limits. Great idea!


Do you have any idea how we can prevent espionage (of China, USA, GB and co.) Without first paralyzing our economy?

Of course, the state is not as good as it is, but the one exclude - because it is just talked about them by chance, invite others, is also not useful.


A first step will be to stop spying on new installations. Our rogue government has slowed down technical progress in DE for years, so it does not matter anymore.


Well, I think my laptop, for example, is relatively safe ;-).

This new phone I have (had to give up my 12 year old Nokia recently * howl * - and only because of new stupid i-tan method of my bank, because there are obviously too many Vollidloten that come with Papiertanlisten not clear! ) that certainly has more security holes than I would like to know…


Everyone and 'all' who own this technique snuffle.

There are enough programs, which take over the most inconspicuous, if the US can listen to the chancellery unrecognized, then the normal citizen, as far as he has a device which can receive and send, has long been the Gelackmeierte.

Why should Huawei make an exception?

Anyone who sends a message here of his friendship via the so-called private rail will be monitored just as much as all telephone connections.

Bot's are the name of these systems, they are used everywhere, the citizen should not know that, but he stumbles with time himself, if he is counted.

Not even the talking word is certain when coaches shout something to their shooters. Then they put their hands over their visible mouths because directional phones and other systems can decode these messages.

As far as Huawei does that and all other electronic providers are angels?