Huawei Mate 20 per headphone sound quality worse?

- in Mate series

Her people,

I've had a mate20 pro for two weeks and I like it a lot. It's all great, except the sound quality of my headphones. On my old (S7) they were perfect, now much worse on the new phone. I have taken over the settings of the equalizer. Could it be s.der adapter, since the mate has no jack connection? In addition, there's always the message "Analogue Type-C headphones, we recommend the huawei type-c digital headphones for a great music experience". Are the headphones vllt down-regulated by the phone, so I have to buy which of huawei MUST to have a good sound quality? Does it go to others also with this mobile phone so?


The phone probably regulates analogue headphones down, try it with USB Type C headphones, that is digital, for which the phone is designed.

Huawei's self-promotion is of course pretty bad.


You can't take the settings of the equalizer 1: 1.

Each amplifier has its own characteristic and you have to adjust the equlizer accordingly each device.


Well, "try it with usb type c headphones" so I would have to buy new ones and hope they are better. If not → thrown away money


Well. Same app same equalizer


It does not matter.

The amplifier in the mobile phone itself has its own characteristic. This is hardware, not software I'm talking about here.


Ever heard of "send back"?


Achso, so it may be that the characteristic of the s7 was better than the mate?


No, there's no "better". Just different. And your equalizer suits the s7, but not the mate 20 pro.

You have set your equalizer halt for the s7, now you have to hire him differently for your huawai.



I do not trust Huawei.

Try the handset times inc adapter with another device.

I'm sure that they are not doing better.


Already in the 2 weeks before I tried everything with the equalizer and the headphones sound a lot worse.


That certainly has nothing to do with a broken sound card or something


So you think it's because of the adapter?


How does my statement implicate that the phone has a broken sound card? I just wanted to make it clear that you can simply send the headphones back when the sound does not improve!


But they were / are just as good at the s7, so why should I send them back without a reason?