Do you think Huawei will return to Android Services and co. Gets?


Thanks to the Trump administration, many American companies have been banned from selling hardware / software to Huawei.

This mostly affects Google (through Android). Huawei is also not allowed to use micros SD cards in their cell phones.

Do you think Huawei will get Android again? Also, do you think that if Huwaei had the opportunity, they would use it?


The whole thing never had anything to do with national security or anything, but with economic war. And the US can't win that against China. On the contrary, it is even counterproductive because Chinese companies will make themselves even more independent. So far, iOS and Android have been the only operating systems for cell phones. Not for long. And then the USA lost its supremacy even more. Apart from high-tech, there's nothing from the USA that we would buy.

If Google, Intel, Microsoft etc. Want to be global leaders, they have to intensify, not block, cooperation with Chinese companies.

Huawei will soon be able to use Android again. It's just a question of whether they still want to.


But that will be of relatively little interest to them.


If the new president also thinks that China can be brought down with embargoes, then Huawei will do without Android.
The Trump administration has also banned Xiaomi, whose smartphones also work with Android.

The real core of Android is Linux. With a little effort and time, the Chinese will be able to create their own operating system.

But that then leads to a losing business for Google, because that is currently the licensor for Android.

I don't care if I use Android or Chinuid. I even prefer the Chinese there.


Not in the foreseeable future


I just wonder why Huawei has an Android ban and companies like OnePlus not…


Since they have invested so much money in their own BS, I would be surprised.

It is of course possible that they will get out of the blacklist


Because Trump announced the motto "America first". Huawei leads the way in G5. He had to prevent them from getting money for their smartphones and maybe already working on G6.
Since only a few, very few understand anything about G5, about high-performance transmission technology, coding, encryption… It is easy to claim a conspiracy to justify embargoes.
By not understanding I don't mean "Lieschen or Fritzchen Müller", there are also politicians who welcome embargoes.
Trump's decisions seem like bombing, you never know where they will hit.