Transfer Sims 4 to iPad?

- in P series

I loaded Sims 4 on a Huawei P 30 lite smartphone and now I want to play it on my ipad too, without having to download the game to my ipad. Is that possible? If yes, how does it work?

Thanks in advance for the hopefully good answers!


Is that possible?


Would I have to download the iPad Sims 4? Or could I somehow transfer my score on the Internet?


Transferring the storage status is only possible across operating systems if I'm not mistaken. In other words, if you bought the game on the Huawei (Android operating system?!) with your Google account, the iPad should also contain the Android operating system, which is not the case. Then you could restore the game with your Google account.
See here:


These accounts are tied to your platform. That means you can transfer your game from one iOS device to another, but not from iOS to Android.