Pokemon Go - Problems When Hatching Eggs?

- in P series

I have not been able to hatch any eggs for some time (and my buddy pokemon does not get any candy).

The kilometers of weekly progress are counted, but not the eggs and the buddy. It's quite tedious, as I have to walk 10 km with Evoli for the quest "A Jump in Time". And the real money (luckily not much), which I spent for the incubators, is thus spent in vain.

Does anyone have the same problem, respectively, does anyone have a solution here?

Incidentally, have a Huawei P20 Pro, if that helps.


Ever uninstalled and reinstalled the game?

I can't think of more. But you think I'm not the first one with the problem. Could you ask on "the silph road" at reddit. There someone has the solution.


Yes, I have already uninstalled the game several times, unfortunately without success.

Thanks for pointing to Reddit. Try my luck there.


There are currently known synchronization errors! The 50km event has been extended by a week.

Pokemon Go - Problems When Hatching Eggs

I once had the problem that I could not participate in raids. Since I had to activate something in the settings of my cell phone, that adjusts the time automatically over the Internet.

So maybe check the settings of your cell phone.