No notifications / calls via Pokemon Go?

- in Mate series

If I have the app on I get neither notifications from Whatsapp / Telegram / SMS nor calls. Say, they'll come in and they'll pop up on the screen for a moment, but it does not vibrate and does not play my ringtone (almost like "do not disturb", but only for Pokemon GO).

I do not remember what settings I can still play to solve the problem maybe… Have already tried a lot.

Anyone suggestions or any idea why that may be? The problem only with Pokemon GO and only since the change to the Huawei Mate 20.


Only with Pokemon Go or generally?

I have my Android phone (Moto G7 Power) only recently and before that had Windows, so I'm not sooo good, but I've already found out that you can adjust the behavior of various apps. Maybe check what's up with you. If that's not it, unfortunately I do not know. : /


Have some apps, including games tried and so far, the problem is only with Pokemon GO


Okay, then I'm sorry that I do not know any further. I'm still very inexperienced with the handling of Android. I can't even manage to set up a ringtone exclusively for SMS. Could only set a general message tone and now even sounds every time apps want to update or pop up other messages…