On Saturday my cell phone, a Huawei Mate 10 lite, fell into the bathtub and I immediately put it in rice, put out Sim and SD card and did not touch it anymore. I did not turn it off because it did it by itself.
Today (Wednesday) I tried to load it and it worked. Amazingly everything works, except for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Unfortunately I do not know anything about technology and I did not really find anything on the internet.
The question is: What can you do there? Or is it not more? Can you have it repaired?
You can't do anything except repair.
That does not pay any more. Even if the affected parts can be replaced, you have no guarantee how long it will last.
In addition, the repair costs, if you have it done by a professional provider, in any case, higher than the device value.
And to repair yourself, you need tools and especially spare parts and, lastly, the necessary know-how.
A repair is not always more expensive. When a water damage often enough even a cleaning of the motherboard of all the corrosion etc, that the device then works again without problems.
So since the questions about water damage on the phone are becoming more and more and you end up feeling the same answer 100 times, I've quickly picked out some helpful posts from me regarding water damage from smartphones. It is certainly something helpful for you and if you have any questions after that, I can gladly answer you.
In short, beforehand. You can definitely have it repaired.
Thank you for the answer (s). I'm considering having it repaired. Do you know how much that could cost?
In case of a water damage you will hardly be able to give a flat estimate, because every water damage is individual. It may be that a cleaning the motherboard in the ultrasonic bath already enough again that the device works again, then you are with luck with 50 Euro.
However, it could also be a fault on the motherboard, where a short circuit caused by the water and thus filters, capacitors, coils etc. Have gone burned or broken, which must first be changed again. Since the whole is on micro level and must be soldered under the Mirkoskop, there are prices well over 100 euro well possible.
This is really very individual.