Motorcycle accident question of guilt?

- in P series

I wanted to ask about your experience.

Had an accident with my motorcycle today. Well… Thumb dislocated because it came into the rotating rear wheel and hit the swing arm… So, Schine… Weg mitm Sport: / …

So… I braked for a pedestrian… I was almost at a standstill… Bad memory because shock… Vlt 10kmh, someone who hit me full throttle in the back from the side… (Thought directly from behind but rather from the side according to the photos).

Motorbike way too much damage.

Honda… So spare parts are expensive: /

Oil runs where.

Rear driver footrest with frame so bent the total damage…

Exhaust not only scratched but totally bent… Friend has the same… I can put a fist through where he hardly fits a finger… And it is open at the engine outlet… It's damn loud now.

Total damage to the front fairing.

Middle panel breaks when fixing for the front panel.

Handguards made of aluminum very deep scratches.

Expensive CNC brake and clutch levers including hydraulic scratches on the camber side.

The front of the speedometer has scratches.

Aja: The display of my Huawei P20 is broken.

Bent fork… Drives straight, almost fully turned.

This is a 1400 Euro used machine… In my opinion this is definitely an economic total loss…

I have a witness next to me.

But he was also on the road with his wife and child, claiming I hit him while changing lanes… According to my brother, with whom I was on the road… But he was in front of me and saw nothing.

In the accident, despite my mutilated thumb, I asked about the child.

But now I'm really scared of being left with the damage as a student…

What do you think, what are my chances… After 4 years on two wheels, my first accident with other people involved.


The detailed listing of the damage does not reveal the question of guilt.

Since you were injured, the police were there. What did she say about the question of guilt?

What did the pedestrian say? He was a witness.


I was in the ambulance and didn't notice that much. The police say the question of guilt is none of their business, it's a matter for the insurance company…


I only know that the witness, presumably the pedestrian, says that it was not my fault.


When the police have recorded the accident, you must have identified someone as the suspected cause.


The question of guilt has not yet been clarified. The witness should testify how the accident occurred from his point of view.

The exit is open.


If the pedestrian has fled, it is also an accident escape. This should then have taken out personal liability insurance.


Why should the pedestrian be responsible for the rear-end damage?


@ acheron65. The pedestrian would at least be an important witness.

He would only be the cause of the accident if he had caused the accident on purpose.


On purpose or not. A pedestrian can also be the culprit when stepping on the road outside a zebra crossing


Those who can read have a clear advantage. I made a general announcement, without reference to the zebra crossing.