What is using so much memory on my Huawei smartphone?

- in Y series

I have a Huawei Y6 and have looked at the memory space and found that something about 5-6 GB consumed.

The preinstalled Appshabe I as far as it went uninstalled or disabled and synonymous otherwise I have no large or many apps and media on the device.

So far I could not find out in the settings or in the ES file explorer what this storage space consumes.


Probably the Android-based data (operating system) and einoge pre-installed apps. Maybe still somewhere downloads


Delete your hentai collection immediately Florian, we will always hear you fab!

You remind me very much of the main actor from the drama of King Oedipus!


Downloads should not be it actually. Is not that pretty much memory for the operating system?


So, professional experience so xD

Why do you think of Oedipus in this question?

How do you feel about asking for a good question and trying to process your repressed childhood experiences of the phallic phase?


Thanks to the demand for food there's a big load of anti depresiva with three Big Macs, I have to think of Oedipus when I communicate with them since they had intercourse with their mother!


Depending on the… With my (32gb) honor just 8 / 9gb fall for the system