Is Huawei qualitatively worse than Samsung?


Is Huawei qualitatively worse than Samsung?


Why should one be worse or better? Both have their shadows


Ok and which?


I do not know all the bad sites but I've read some more here that can tell you another who knows better


Qualitatively, both are equally good. Huawei has especially the focus on a good phone camera and Samsung on a long battery life.


Why should they be that? Currently Huawei leads the mobile leaderboards…


In my opinion, Samsung is more qualitative than Huawei. They work more on the battery life, on the user-friendly experience and even on the phone itself. Samsung even uses high-quality Gorilla glass as a screen even from the Galaxy S6. From the Galaxy S7 / S8 came even the Super Amoled display where Huawei looks pretty lame out of the box!

Samsung even has its own support of "Samsung Members". Huawei certainly does not have that. Of course Huawei has taken a giant step with the Lite's and Pro's but Samsung still can't be beat!


Gentleman, kiss goes out


Think Samsung is a bit more modern, but both are equal in quality.


In terms of battery life, samung can't keep up with Huawei for a long time! The S10 have the worst battery life of any flagship smartphone.

Huawei's display glass is no worse than samung's.

Huawei installed Samsung oleds… So no difference.


Modern? With this ancient sliding cell phone solution in a series?