Android.text or notification history on Android 8.0.0 HUAWEI how to call?


I would like to use the file android.text or the notification history or another way to call something that shows me the contents of two WhatsApp messages of a friend, which he sent to me that night, but unfortunately deleted shortly thereafter.

Supposedly have automatically sent on his mobile phone audio files, but I was able to look at his cell phone this morning in my ad very briefly his text before it appeared "before this message was deleted" appeared.

I have to know what he sent during the night. What can I do? Unfortunately, my operating system seems to be so difficult that I think nothing. Even in developer mode I have not discovered anything yet.

I'm extremely grateful for any help!


Way is gone and can't be restored.

If you are so interested, let WhatsRemoved always run in the background.

That saves 80% of everything we say.

But the app must, as I said, constantly in the background. What has already been deleted before installation can't be restored with it.