IPhone Xr doesn't send SMS to certain people?

- in Honor series

I bought an IPhone Xr in autumn 2019 and am actually very satisfied with the device.

However, there's one problem for which I have not yet found a solution:

I can write any number of SMS to some of my contacts without any problems, but I can't send any SMS to other people. If it works, the balloon will turn blue and it will say "Delivered". In the case of messages that have not been sent, the text in the speech bubble turns green, a red exclamation mark appears in a red circle to the right of the text field and "Not delivered" is written in red below the speech bubble.

I have already tried everything that Apple recommends: Allow Wi-Fi calls, ensure the connection to a Wi-Fi network, book a valid cellular tariff with sufficient credit, etc. The problem still persists. A friend I can't text to has an Honor brand phone. If I'm not mistaken, it's a Huawei subsidiary, isn't it? Could this have something to do with the fact that the Americans and the Chinese each configure their phones so that you can't send text messages to a phone in the other country? Not so long ago they had a little stress with each other and imposed trade restrictions, punitive tariffs, etc. On each other?!

A few details about the device, in case that helps someone:

Phone: IPhone Xr, 256 Gb (2019)
Tariff: Aldi Talk Package M
Operating system: iOS 14.1 (update was about 30 minutes ago)

Like I said, I've followed all of the advice given by Apple and other reputable sources on the internet. Still it doesn't work.

I would be very grateful for tips on remedial action.


Ask the recipient once whether he can receive SMS at all, because I have the same problem with some contacts.

That is up to the recipient of the SMS.

It works with Messenger, but not via SMS.


The iPhones have a really bad SMS system, there's no tracking (which cell phones can do for 20 euro). For me (iPhone 6s and X), some SMS do not arrive either, often the receipt message (via * N #) does not work either, does not bring a positive or negative message.