Why Wi-Fi on mobile phones worse than mobile?


At the new place of residence (Europaplatz Stuttgart) we only have access to max. 16 instead of the previous 50 Mbit DSL. We got the LTE router Huawei B315s-22 on the recommendation of 1&1, then bought Huawei antennas for it.

It is striking that I have a better connection to apps with my smartphone (Xiaomi Mi A1) when I'm in via a mobile network (4G) than with Wi-Fi, even if I'm right next to the router. WLAN (vs. Mobile):

YouTube / Twitch: Videos start immediately, no hangers.
Browser: Pages load immediately.
Twitter: Videos take 5-10 seconds to play at all (mobile: videos start immediately).
Nutrition app: scanner scans barcode, it takes 5 seconds, then I get a message that something is wrong with the connection (mobile: scan completed after 1 second).
Pokémon GO: Charging up to over a minute at the start, after that a whole submenu is always missing.

How can it be that different apps achieve such different results when I access the Internet via the LTE router? And above all: Can I optimize it somehow (cell phone settings, router settings)?


LTE can do up to 500 Mbit / s, but your WLAN router only 150. In addition to your router as a device, your DNS is in between and all lines. Every transition of the signal to another medium / component is a "detour"…


I don't really get through. So the new contract is an LTE contract with a maximum of 16 Mbit / s.

And this contract is slower than on the phone, right?

That is quite normal, especially since the cell phone is not limited to 16Mbit / s and the router is still connected in between via WLAN. So of course the ping is also higher.

I would always use fiber optic for home anyway, LTE is only a solution for rural areas where fiber optic is not fully developed. But that shouldn't be the case in Stuttgart.


Thanks for your assessment! Sorry, I forgot one very important detail: the reason for the LTE router. Because of the 16 Mbit, we have now terminated DSL at 1&1 and tested the tariff 1&1 All-Net-Flat XXL Unlimited (in the THEORIE 225 MBit) - we were recommended by 1&1. Upspeed is actually higher, downspeed is not really faster. Both at about 10-16 Mbit over LAN.

Is it normal under these circumstances that my phone has such a bad connection in certain apps?

I also thought that fiber optic is our option as we move on to Stuttgart. In fact, there are only max. 16 Mbit. At Telekom too. They have a hybrid contract: 16 Mbit DSL and additionally LTE.


Thanks again for your answer! I understand that with the additional detour, but I'm surprised that the LTE router transmits so much worse to the cell phone than our old DSL router.

Same topic as in the other thread: Would it at least be worth considering getting a more expensive LTE router? If I would go up to 150 or 200 euro in price, what would be the recommendations?


Difficult to say… I'm in the good situation of knowing a dealer in a system house where I can get devices for testing for a few days / over the weekend. And I do not know whether in a metropolitan area (Stuttgart is there such a thing?) The transmission speed may be throttled in favor of security of supply on certain routes. Such information can only be obtained from insiders - I only received information (in the event of inexplicable problems with an O2 connection for a school) after intervention from the Federal Network Agency.

If necessary, you can order a more expensive router from a retailer who will confirm that it will take the device back. Then you have a few days (maybe it fits, now in the "Corona Holidays"…)


In principle it can be, but it is very strange that some apps do. Did you reset the router to factory settings?

I have the Telekom hybrid rate (16K) at home and can't recommend it. Even H + on the cell phone is better…