Spotify only plays, demo music?

- in P series

So my problem is, I downloaded Spotify for the phone the other day (Huawei P20) and blah blah, but as soon as I click on a song because I want to hear it, nothing happens or Spotify plays the song only as, demo "so it starts in the middle, so to speak, plays 10 seconds and end, fast forward or the like does not work, songs to play next or put in the queue "does not go the option is not even displayed.

However, when I spotify on the. PC or open the tablet everything works properly and I can hear every song, rewind queues edit etc…


Probable problem: You do not have Spotify Premium

Explanation: On the PC, you can just listen to music like that on the phone only with shuffle. The demo is just there to hear what song that was again.

Solutions: Get Spotify Premium or create a playlist where only songs you like are in and then listen to them.

Open question