Deactivate demo software on the HANDY?

- in Mate series

I bought a Huawei Mate 20 pro on Ebay. Unfortunately it is a demo device. How can you deactivate the demo software? It runs all the time and therefore consumes enormous amounts of electricity. Please Help ME, the cell phone was supposed to be a Christmas present for my daughter.


Settings → Developer options → Turn off demo mode


Was the demo device in the ad and the part was dirt cheap?

it's enough to try, but not more.


Yes, was u. Aa. Also, but the seller gave me the following answer when I asked if I can use it with my Sim card: Hello,

As already described, the device could be used immediately, but there's demo software on it, which always switches on after a certain time. A mobile phone shop should be able to solve that which makes software updates. On Google you can find everything with a little bit of search, I would need a Windows PC and I won't do that to myself.


If you'd rather invested a few more euro, you wouldn't have the problem now.


Unfortunately, one is always smarter afterwards 😒