How does the Samsung keep music on?


I have a Samsung and when I download music to convert2mp3, there's no one app where you can't uninstall it and the music is right there like in Huawei. And when I search for music on Samsung at the top of the finder search, there's no app and when I go to music, there's nothing with music, while music is only with downloads. And if I turn it on while downloading and leave again, it goes off immediately. What's wrong with Samsung?


It seems to me you don't know your cell phone yet. XD Samsung has a preinstalled (standard) app called "Play Music", which should actually contain all of the songs.

How does the Samsung keep music on

It is normal that you have the songs in the download folder in the file manager, but you can move them all to another folder. But that doesn't change where they are. You can search for the app in the settings of your mobile phone, it may also be hidden or even deactivated.

If your mobile phone doesn't have such a preinstalled app, I can't help either: /


Play music has been discontinued and can no longer be used


The app is of no use to me. But then I got a suggestion Samsung Music, and there's what I downloaded and can be removed from the screen. I also had to install SwiftKey extra although it is preinstalled on Huawei… But now I have everything important on Samsung. Would like to set a warning when the battery is 5 percent. Stat only 15 but not bad


Lol what?


Yes, the service has been discontinued. Just try it out on your own then you will see it and you will be redirected to Youtube music, but YTM is just not that special in the free version


Heh, have a J5 and the app exists as you can see xD can't relate


You can still open it, I still have it, but I can no longer use it, all I have to do is download YT music