Huawei mate 10 lite - music transfer?

- in Mate series

Ok, obviously this will be a technology oriented weekend ;-) "again what learned" would Lothar say.

My PC (Windows 8.1) does not recognize the Huawei. After USB connection the mobile phone is loaded, but it can't be found in the folders. I want to transfer music from PC to Huawei. Hisuite did not work. Also not "devices search" aufm PC in the "Device Manager".

How can I still transfer my music to my mobile phone? Do you have a tip? Or do you know a free app in which you can download music? I was recommended among other things "music download pro". Is that, what?


Did you even switch it to disk?


I'm not sure. Explain please for beginners:-) how exactly do I do that? Possibly. I've already done it and just do not know it ^^


The phone asks normal what you want to do when you plug in the cable… Whether only store or transfer data if it does not do it then it is not synonymous. Then you have to set this on the phone. Look for USB debugging.


Funny. Just wanted to transfer pictures and had exactly the same problem.

Apparently Huawei has changed something there.

So… You have to boot the laptop completely, then you connect the phone by cable… Then you pull the quick launch bar down, where Wlan, flashlight and so on… Here is now a point, recharge via USB, there's also more options, at this point you click, then opens a menu where you click on transfer data. That's it, the phone is connected.