I have the Huawei p20 light and in my gallery under the "Photos" section only screenshots and pictures taken with the cell phone camera are shown. All pictures are displayed in the "Albums" section.
How can I get all pictures in the "Photos" section?
And you took other photos between April 3rd and 5th, for example, and not just screenshots? If so, that would be pretty strange behavior. And all you can actually do is watch the settings in the Gallery app
In any case, it would be normal under the category that all images are displayed in the order in which they were stored in the memory.
Even if my column is pictures and not photos.
Photos actually only mean photos taken and screenshots taken. Sadly there's no other option.
Have you ever clicked on the albums?
What do you see then?
Only photos you take with your smartphone are displayed under Photos. Logical, actually.
And you recognized all the pictures as yourself under albums, all pictures.