Turn off the gallery on your phone and tablet?


I have the following problem: when I take photos with the mobile phone (Huawei) or the tablet (Samsun), they always end up in the gallery and / or in the photos folder. If I understand correctly, does everything in the gallery seem to be more or less "public"? So to be uploaded somehow? (Maybe I'm just expressing myself wrongly) In short: can I somehow switch off the gallery? Especially since at the moment there are always hints that I should move everything to ONEDRIVE. For a better understanding: a backup of my pictures is unnecessary, because I always transfer good or important copies to the PC anyway


If I understand correctly, does everything in the gallery seem to be more or less "public"?

No, it's not… The gallery is an app on the mobile phone that shows you all the photos stored on this mobile phone. There's nothing public about it… The (more precisely one, because you can of course also install alternatives) gallery is the only way to view the photos that are on your internal memory / SD card. Sometimes the gallery is connected to Dropbox or similar, but even then the pictures are not public…


The backup of your pictures with Google Photos and the Cloud Drive is not public, but solely for you. I find that very comfortable. You want to go a different way. You can switch off the synchronization in the settings of your Google account under "Account storage space / Back-up and Sync".

The "Gallery" app will have comparable settings, unless it only shows the images on your end devices anyway.


First of all thanks, but
Sorry, but after signing in to my Google account, I can't find any ACCOUNT SPACE?!


Open the Google Photos app, click on your account in the upper right corner (circle with the first letter of your first name). Then you will see Account Storage.