Mobile opens website after unlock?

- in P series

I have since today the problem that my phone (Huawei P9 Lite) after unlocking always opens sites that I never knew or visited before.

Mostly it's dating websites. I have already made a system update, carried out a virus scan and my apps taken the memory access. Everything did not help. Would be nice if someone tells me how I can fix this problem.


Virus? Download "Cleaner" and check if you have a virus. But what exactly is this website? Do you have a link?


My advice:
Look at which browser it makes, for example chrome then go into the setting under Apps and delete the data storage of chrome, for example.


I know this problem!

You probably streamed movies or downloaded something on the internet.

Go to Settings / Apps and search for an app without a name.

Scroll down and delete the data + uninstall the app without a name.

That should help.

Mobile opens website after unlock

Thank you, Had there already at the Verwhtigungen two apps without names. Had even considered whether it is due to them and wanted to deerstate them but then somehow not. Now works again


I have already written that have performed a virus scan


No problem.