My Huawei P Smart has been opening for some time after unlocking and then irregularly - about every few minutes - advertising. Either the browser opens or something just appears over the active app.
The problem is only when charging - on battery power, no uninvited advertising appears.
Since the appearing advertisement but partly offensive, I would like to get rid of them.
My virus scanner did not find a virus during a quick scan.
Did any of you ever have a similar problem?
Have you installed any ne app that brings something like a screen saver? Is often in anti-virus programs.
You should check all your apps and see if there's something that pop up advertising brings 😁 I would rather exclude a virus
An app is to blame and / or deprive the browser all permissions (except for memory)!
It's possible that it makes an app, but on many Huawei phones it happens. Download the AdBlock from Play Store first.