Charge cellphone polymer battery properly?

- in P series

While I often read and many people say that about Li-Ion batteries, but how do I charge a Li-Poly battery to maintain a longer capacity for the next few years.

When I charge my battery to 100 I usually have to recharge it to 100 on the evening of the second or third day.

I leave him at 80 and charge him when he is 40 then I have to charge him without exception every day if I do not want to come under 30 the next day.

What is healthier now and what should I do in general to protect it as well as possible for the future?

If it brings something I call a few times data from Handy.Es is the Huawei p20 pro and has 4000mha / h (LI-Po) and I load it with the included QuickCharge power supply and cable was there.


First load without quick charge.


Starting at 15% to charge, until 100% I use Quickcharge after 750 charge cycles is a closing time.