Get the wrong size phone?

- in P series

Before the question begins:
Yes i measured exactly (about 10 times)
Yes it is the right cell phone and no other
No there are no more versions of the cell phone with different sizes

Hi there,

I have a question. Since I want to buy a new cell phone soon and I wanted to see how the size compared to my current situation, I had googled and found it pretty quickly. However, that seemed pretty big to me, so I took the time to measure myself and… I got other data.

My cell phone (Huawei P8 Lite 2017) should be 147mm high and 76mm wide according to the description on all websites. However, when I go to post-fair, I get 140mm high and 66mm wide. How is that possible? I mean even if I had measured myself a bit, I still believe that there can be no 7 or 10 mm difference. So does that work at all? I think that should mean that it was made smaller on purpose, because something like that can't happen due to a production error

Does any of you have any idea what that could be?


What are the tolerances like? Are they specified? What is measured? Including buttons?


What is the device identifier? Then you would at least know which model is in front of you and you can compare the device ID.


No, unfortunately I can't find them anywhere. No, the keys are not dimensioned, but it would make a big difference


What do you mean by device detection?


Where did you buy it, can it be a version that was not intended for Europe?


That says "I'm…". What can you read there?

This can then be checked online:


Due to the rounded edges, you can be wrong by several millimeters when measuring with a ruler. You can only determine the exact size with calibrated "slide gauges".