How can I reduce the memory size of a .jpg image without opening the image?


I copied photos from my Huawei phone to my Windows PC. When I tried to open the photos on the PC, I noticed that an error had occurred while copying the photos over. When I want to open a photo (.jpg) it says that the photo is too big to be opened. All the pictures and videos that I copied over from my Huawei phone are supposedly 25GB in size, but that can't be because I only have one TB of storage in my Windows computer.

I would be very grateful if someone could help me.


I would check the process by first copying just a single photo from the phone again. Then I would check the file size, ((Ctrl + right mouse button> select "Properties".

If the size of the picture is in the normal range, I would open up. If everything is ok, copy some, not all, of the pictures again.

I would suspect an error occurred while copying. You would not fix this by reducing the file size.

So far I only know of one APP that reduces the file size of photos without opening them. That would be the Samsung Mail app. Photographers may know of other options.