Yesterday was a Huawei mate 20 Lite, and does not allow any unknown sources (APK) why?

- in Mate series

Have the APK downloaded from any page, packed in Nox player and was installed, and is synonymous, now I wanted to pack the same file on my new Huawei, has also worked, but unfortunately if I press "Install", no 2 Seconds later "App was not installed.", Under Developer Settings and under "Security & Privacy",> Unknown Apps Install, an art app collection, everything is "allowed". Because under Developer attitude and security & data protection, I come ebendfalls on the same rider.
Have only tried a cell phone restart.

Does anyone have any idea yet? In the net, unfortunately, I find no remedy.


Then this app is not compatible with your Android.


Was not idle, have the same file (game) also found in Play Store, and that works well, but do not understand why that does not go on the page, on the phone.


On a non-rooted device, you can't access the error log from the failed installation process. For devices with "root" you could install a log file viewer or with tools such. B. Termux on foot "down in it" look.


Is it a modded version of an app? If so, the original app should be uninstalled in advance, as a conflict arises.

You could install the app via ADB (Android Debug Bridge). There should be an error message, with which one can find the reason. "adb install FILE.apk"

Alternatively you can read about ADB on the log, where this should also be in it.


Problem was really the previously installed app was still in the drawer, in the menu item and was close to the conflict of the other app, Uninstalled. And then it worked.