If Huawei phones NO longer have a Google Play Store, what are their alternatives?


If Huawei phones NO longer have a Google Play Store, what are their alternatives?


It will still be on it for now


The Huawei App Gallery. It has a lot of apps missing, but many can also be installed as APK, but unfortunately some are missing.


Oh god, even wanted to buy me a Huawei. Pity!


There's an alternative that you can install yourself, then you can use almost everything from the playstore, only if you buy apps there are a few problems


The Huawei App Gallery, but apps are missing, you can also install many apps via the Internet, but many apps are still missing.


You can buy one yourself. It would only annoy me very much. I know, for example, that you have to completely uninstall some apps and then reinstall them if you want the latest update. But if you can live with such minor restrictions, Huawei should remain an option. Fortunately, Huawei cell phones still have the option of installing apps from any possible source (unlike Apple's competitor).


Only the Huawei smartphones that came onto the market after the Google license revocation no longer have Google services, everyone before that can still use it, e.g. The entire P40 series is affected. I have a P30 Lite and can still use the Playstore, and all of them Google Services. Huawei has brought all of the P30 series onto the market in a new version in order to be able to circumvent license withdrawal.




You can download Aptoide. There are all apps.


What is this alternative called?


Ah okay, what about the Huawei Y6P phone? Was that lucky or not?


Forgot looking for and not found, no desire to search, just ask google or youtube


That also no longer has Google services, there were already some questions here because users were surprised that the Playstore is not on it.

Google also blocks everything that is loaded onto the Huawei smartphones via other sources of Google services.