Why is there only Samsung and only Apple?


If you run through a Saturn, for example, you can see (mostly in the smartphone department) everywhere the products of Samsung or Apple (mostly). Why are not there any more companies like Apple, Samsung or Microsoft? For example, there are thousands of types of chips, but only about ten types of mobile phones (Yes, I know LG, Huawei and the very other companies are so synonymous, but the products are not as successful as the other)


Hehe little tip.

What's going on at Saturn is no coincidence. Large companies can rent sales space there and sell their products there. The matching "advisers" are also included.

If HTC invests 10,000 euro, you may also set up an extra stall


If you want to be in the retail sector, you have to shop there and who buys there will automatically be more expensive than the retailer competition.

After market shares, the distribution looks like this → Samsung> Apple> Huawai> Xiaomi

see: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/173056/umfrage/weltweite-marktanteile-der-smartphone-hersteller-seit-4-quartal-2009/


Yes - I wonder sometimes. Two worlds: iOS and Android. Apple is a different world. But in terms of Android, Samsung has managed to get in the forefront through good marketing (is there actually "good" marketing?). In the newspaper supplements of Media Markt and Saturn Samsung occupies a huge area.

I myself have a Lenovo Moto Z because it has Stock Android. My next phone will be an iPhone. Because I'm the data-craze by Google goes against the grain. So I will "google away".