I'm worried about the digital vaccination card?


On the one hand, it is great to introduce the digital vaccination card, but not only should it be digital at the end but I also want to be able to show on my vaccination card in the old form that I have been vaccinated (or not yet, but I want to be vaccinated and that's why I think there already in the future). So now there's the problem that maybe not every cell phone can read the barcode or can't download the app because the cell phone is too old or it is a huawai and so on. Or some people don't have a cell phone either. Imagine getting vaccinated and then it says: we no longer put it in the notebook, there's an app for that, but you can't download it. And then beforehand do you get proof of a vaccination?

Edit: I have a huawei and I couldn't install the corona warn app either, so theoretically I can't download the digital vaccination app either


Will there still be the yellow analog vaccination card?

Yes. The digital proof of vaccination is only a voluntary and additional offer. If vaccinated persons do not have a smartphone or have lost it, proof of vaccination via the well-known "yellow booklet" is of course still possible and valid.



Oh thank you that sounds good then I don't have to worry about this anymore 👍


There's no need to worry. Everything according to plan. With Chinese technology you are on a path of peace of mind.


With the first I agree with the second I disagree


Numbers up to twelve are written out. But if you use both in one sentence, I get furious


And my comment was irony.


Yes, my mistake sometimes I do that 😬


Oh so 😅


I also think I'd rather have a tattoo or branding, preferably visible to everyone. Muhh. Well a chip in the ear is also ok.


So far, all of my vaccinations have been entered on my ID card, which I have had since 1972. That will also happen with the vaccination against Corona.

There's also the option of having this one, very special vaccination digitally documented.


: D


I neither have an up-to-date cell phone where something like this would be possible, nor do I have a vaccination card. But you get such a confirmation then…


You will get a vaccination card (the good old yellow booklet)

Basically an affirmation, yeah