Huawei P9 lite kills SD card?

- in P series

I have the Huawei P9 lite with a 32 GB Hama SD card. Now and then it shows me that my memory is full but this applies only to the internal. The SD card is no longer recognized by the phone but I can still read all the data on it, view pictures and listen to the music. If I remove the card, save the data on my PC format the card there in the phone and pull the data on it everything works again a few days later, the problem arises again. With the old 16 GB SD card I did not have this problem. How can I finally fix this?


Trying to format the SD card in the phone

On my Galaxy A8, I have the SD card min. Formatting once to use them

After that I never have problems again

Unless I format it on another device


Did I and then pulled the data