Looking for a good current cell phone for a price that isn't too high?


I sent my phone back to the seller a while ago because of a defect. Now I'm supposed to get a refund of 250 euro.

Now to the question: I would like to have an up-to-date cell phone that is not too expensive. My budget is around 500-600 euro. It should definitely get long Android updates (Android 11, 12 etc.) and have a good camera. I would not like to buy a Xiaomi or Huawei phone.

I hope you can also help me with a few personal experiences, because I really don't feel like having complicated service and a limited system anymore.

I like to modify the software a bit, so it would be cool if there was a larger XDA community for the device.


For 500-600 euro, I think it's best to buy an IPhone because you don't get anything fair on Android except for the Google Pixel 4 or the One Plus


I can recommend a one plus 8


A xiaomi Mi 10 is very good too



You can get a Xiaomi, if you are familiar with it, you can remove the spyware.

Unfortunately, Android often only has Android updates for 2 years. So I couldn't recommend a device now.


Well above all, I think it's funny that people get upset about spyware on xiaomi, but then run an iphone or other google phones (without root and the like). These things are all spyware by definition.


IOS is harder to modify. You can jailbreak it, but Android is easier to modify.


You mean you don't get anything fair from Apple?


At Samsung you won't get anything fair, but apple is also overpriced


The Americans (Apple) or Finns (Nokia) prefer to receive data like China.


Samsung is slowly moving towards Apple. With Xiaomi or Huawei you definitely get something fair.


Yes, I know but he doesn't want that is also difficult with the google apps have a Huawei myself


Well, if you see it that way, that's how it is. I don't see any difference - if I had to make a decision, I would even rather give my data to the Chinese, because they can't do much with it.


Google Pixel 4a is a really good mobile phone that is the first to receive Android updates and will keep them going for a long time. Otherwise, I can still recommend the Poco F2 Pro, which pretty much surpasses everything!


All devices that were released before the Huawei Mate 30 Pro series are still available from the factory with Google services.


What kind of models can you recommend?


Thank you, the One Plus is expensive, but according to the specs it looks like an extremely good cell phone.


Xiaomi Mi 10

Poco f2 pro


Yes, but I don't think it's worth getting one anymore


I very much the other way around. Americans and Finns have a lot more influence on my life than the Chinese. So the Chinese have knowledge about me, but they can't "use" it very well.