When will there be 5G in Germany?


Huawei offered to interpret 5G here, but you reject that, and now we have to listen to the "alternative" excuse of the politicians. Just sad that you do not get baked, do something like that. There's no trace of German professionalism. Already enough that the German course is still technically on the level of the 90s and that we have one of the worst Internet in Europe. Not that the companies are too stupid but it has something to do with the mismanagement of the elite.

poor Germany


Maybe we should start by covering up 4G and fiber optics before we start thinking about 5G


I find it amusing, as everyone here is talking about "5G", here in Bavaria, e.g. On the main line Munich Augsburg there's sometimes no network at all! Not even E! Not even a bar! 5G will be testing as somewhere, but until it comes on the market, I think, we still have to wait about 10 years.


Do you know what the great thing about Germany in this regard is: it still works.

The federal government pretends that it had to catch up, but it can't implement it.

The former state-owned companies are busy not to lose their rank and the Federal Network Agency may only manage, but not invest.

If Germany wants to keep ahead of the infrastructure, then you should simply expand the powers of the Federal Network Agency. The should expand the rail network, which is to expand the Internet cabling, from me, the basis for nationwide mobile phone networks.

Then you can lease the networks to the corporations, which then generate the costs of operation.