What does that mean with the security alert at Amazon?

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Got 2 emails from Amazon with a "security alert". It's written there: "

Someone has logged into your account.

When: Mar 01, 2021 04:34 PM Central European Time Device: H… Android (smartphone) Nearby: Sa… Germany

Someone has logged into your account.

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When: Mar 11, 2021 05:03 AM Central European Time Device: Google Chrome Windows (desktop) Nearby: Sa… Germany

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What does that mean? How can I see on my cell phone whether I wanted to go to Amazon there myself with my cell phone? Or a villain that was?

The cell phone is almost new. It's a Huawei p30 lite!

I think I "could" it be on March 1st?!

I wish all Girlfriend's, especially those who answer me, a nice and healthy rest of the week! : :-)


Is there an IP address there?

If there's a link to click on, it could also be an attempt at fraud.


So if the Android and the location are right for the first time, then I wouldn't worry. But if you didn't try to log in on Chrome on your Windows PC on the 11th, as with the second, then I would change my password.

Amazon always sounds the alarm for new devices, that means nothing.


Thank you, that was quick!

Is not a link to click!

Do you mean such an address:


Would it have been myself for sure?! But if not?

Have k. A. With the new cell phone. My old one was still scrolling, kl. Display, etc. In the network. I'm not in there. Well, it was also an 11.5 year old part!

I wish you a nice and healthy rest of the week! : :-)


This is when you or someone else wants to log into your Amazon account from a strange device.


If you want to be on the safe side, change the password. But it was probably you yourself.


Thank you, was also answered quickly!

I don't know anything anymore! I've tried it once, but when, I can't remember anything, because my memory isn't that 100%!


If I wouldn't worry about that, you were mostly yourself. If you're worried, just change your password and that's it.


Thank you so fast too!

Don't know if it's me with my new cell phone or a bad guy?

I will already have been with the new cell phone!

Thank you, I wish you a nice and healthy rest of the week! : :-)


Well it will be safe. + surely nothing could happen, right? If you run out of money, you can't order anything. I once ordered + paid no attention to the shipping costs + wondered why nothing works. I topped it up with a gift certificate + it was good. I don't use PayPal or anything because that's too insecure for me!

GN8! : :-)