Amazon didn't keep promises?


My cell phone broke and in particular it was bent. I contacted Huawei and they said it was not a guarantee. Then I turned to Amazon because I had bought the cell phone there. The phone is only 1 year old and I thought it was weird that it cracked, bent and hot for no reason. So I turned to Amazon, sent the report from Huawei and emphasized several times that it was not a guarantee case. Amazon replied to me: That's not a problem, we will cover the costs for this device even if it is not a guarantee. I have no costs, Amazon pays for everything. So I sent it to Amazon they funny way sent it to the same workshop and had it checked. Amazon did not get in touch, we got a cost estimate from the workshop and waited. After 6 working days we contacted Amazon again because they did nothing. They told us that they are reviewing the case. Now I have received an answer. Amazon does not pay because it is not a guarantee. However, they were previously said to pay. Is there anything I can do about it?


I wait a short call at Amazon and rule that.


Without the exact wording of the Amazon statement, you can't really help. It is also important whether and which guarantee promises were made with the device at the time of purchase. From a purely legal point of view, now after a year, you have to prove your claim that the device was defective at the time of delivery. You can only do that with an expert, who of course you have to pay first. Amazon's promise is therefore pure goodwill to which you have no legal claim at all. Hence the wording is extremely important.