Will Huawei be allowed to use Google again if another President zb. Joe Biden would be for it too?


Will Huawei be allowed to use Google again if another President zb. Joe Biden would be for it too?


It is not even entirely certain that it should not use that if Trump remains president.

As soon as it becomes clear that Google is also an American company although it does not produce any products that you can touch, your mind can change within seconds.


It not only affects Google, Samsung is no longer allowed to deliver anything to Huawei from 15.9, as well as LG AND SKY Hynix, Huawei will then no longer be able to manufacture smartphones for the time being, but this also means less for the suppliers to be able to sell, Huawei is a major buyer



If Joe Biden wins, then the British will involve Huawei in the expansion of 5G technology, which will give the company some air. The British have given in to pressure from the USA under Trump and Huawei has not been involved in the 5G expansion, Germany is still undecided. The British admitted to resuming the cooperation under Biden.

Huawei then has the means to develop its own operating system "Harmony" and either achieve Apple status (ie perfectly matched hardware and software) or it becomes a flop like the Windows Phones.

Nobody knows whether there will be another collaboration with Google, not even under Biden. One of my best friends works at Huawei and he says Huawei expects Biden to stay on course against Huawei.

Both Googel and Huawei want to work together again. For Googel, it makes sense, as this way they earn money and do not have to fear Harmony, which could take over all of China, for Huawei it makes sense because they do not have to fear a possible flop in Europe and the USA with Harmony.

Nobody can say yet whether something will change with Biden.


No, Huawei plays that into the cards. HarmonyOS, its own operating system, has been planned for a long time. They have hardly built a brand new omni-compatible operating system out of the ground within a few weeks. That was thought through for a long time and perfectly polished. Huawei is thus becoming an Apple competitor because HarmonyOS is now 30% faster than Android.


No, Trump has taken a path in the China conflict that is politically difficult or impossible to reverse.

If Biden reverses it anyway, that would be food for Trump and his "Fox Fakes News Media", who then accuse Biden of "kneeling down" before China.

It is more likely that it will only be loosened bit by bit.

So you have to be careful how and whether you play into Trump's hands. He likes to make an elephant out of every fly, and the allegations are repeated over and over so that it is burned into the memory.

Furthermore, Biden lacks the charisma that Obama or Bernie Sanders have. This lack of charisma could become a serious problem. Because at the moment he has the 08/15 profile of an almost inconspicuous standard professional policeman.