Will Joe Biden give Huawei Google services again?


As you probably know, the Huawei jz has not had Google services for a long time because of Donald Trump, my question is, if Joe Biden is elected President, could it be that he will give Huawei the Google services again?


Who knows whether Huawei should still need Google services at all.

Through the trade wars, the Chinese have learned that the US can't be relied on and that it is better to develop and offer your own services.

In this process, China made itself independent of Trump.

So it would take a good reason for China to be lured back to Google services.


Well, China isn't that fast either.

Some things are still in development.

And, as I said: China provides its own services, i.e. Only Chinese apps as a replacement.

Because Netflix is a US company, so it's not possible because of the trade war.

So find the "Chinese Netflix".

OR: Go to a… I call such a shop "Handy-Doktor", and they would let them download the app to my smartphone. They can bypass such a lock.