Why doesn't Joe biden remove the huawei boycott?


On the first day, Biden reversed a lot of Trump's decisions.

Then why not boycott Google services on huawei phones?


Because Biden doesn't have access to Google


It's not because of Google


But doesn't Google have to do what the president asks?

That's how Trump did it too


Everything needs it's time.

Huawei will probably not want to backtrack itself, as they are currently developing the new Harmony OS operating system, which probably wasn't or is not exactly cheap


As a rule, politics can't control all companies. And Trump was also… Special. I would find out more if I were you


In politics you don't just give up a trump card out of sheer friendliness. He still needs this trump card when he sits at the table with the Chinese and negotiates with them.


Because Biden is following a similar anti-China course as Trump.

How so? - Industrial espionage


Huawei loved doing business with Huawei before.


Huawei with Huawei. Clear. I assume you mean Google by Huawei. Perhaps, but I think we can all agree that Trump had very controversial methods


Of course that was what was meant.

Perhaps, but I think we can all agree that Trump had very controversial methods

Which one? Adjusting to the Chinese market, which boycotts or bans Google services as well as the other way around? LG


Protecting a corrupt market by Trump. Say a lot about the American way of doing business. It's time to just a phone without stupid software of commercial company's who spie on you (us). And telling you what you can or can't with your phones, PC's etc.