Is Joe Biden lifting the sanctions against Huawei?


Is Joe Biden lifting the sanctions against Huawei?


Rather not


Fortunately, he does not tweet any announcements that stab his negotiating delegations in the back and also give the Chinese no opportunity to achieve negotiation results without losing face.

He will certainly want to secure the interests of the US, but also want to end the trade war.

Let's wait and see, I expect the negotiations to be ongoing and in the end tariffs and trade restrictions on both sides will disappear. And China will probably refrain from acting too aggressively against American corporations and perhaps creating jobs in the USA with projects it has won. And lift import restrictions for US products.

This is how the German auto industry grew up in the USA. The restrictions of the last few years have fizzled out, our companies all manufacture in the USA. BMW of America is the largest auto exporter in the USA.