Should you still buy a Huawei?


The topic of Huawei and Google is often still on everyone's lips and somehow everyone says something different. Or there are two opinions: some say that Huawei is no longer worthwhile, others say that nothing has changed.

But can someone explain me exactly? What has changed for Huawei? What has changed for the customer? Should you get a Huawei now? Back then, it was said that Huawei could no longer use certain Google services, but Huawei assured that everything can be used as usual, so what's different now?


Not do, but I can't guarantee anything


All huawei cell phones that are currently on the market (p30 ect) still run normally with Android. I have a p20 and no problems at all.

Huawei has assured that the old cell phones will continue to have Android. Updates are also insured.

The new phones that are coming out this year will run on their own operating system. But I read that they probably still have WhatsApp (I'm not sure if it's true)

The p30 or depending on which huawei is the latest is still worth it in my opinion.


I've had a Huawei smart phone for almost half a year. - I don't feel any restrictions, I can do anything I want with it. However, I'm also not an extreme user.


The problem with Huawei is not (only) the susceptibility to sanctions that the United States imposes on China - that is actually becoming more relaxed.

The bigger problem is that you can be sure that Spysoftware is installed on the smartphone of a Chinese manufacturer, which all information that results from your use of the smartphone (including seamless stay tracking) on servers of the Chinese state on behalf of the land authoritarian governance.


A partial trade agreement has just been signed between China and the USA today, which will very likely solve this problem for Google. It's not like Huawei is dependent on Google or the United States. The Chinese are currently building their computers on a heavily bored Linux, which will finally get the professionalism that most distros have been lacking to date, and will not only take a stand against Microsoft, but also against Apple. It is quite possible that they have long been based on the same system and have a fully fledged Alternatine to Android in the drawer.

It is not the case that China is dependent on Apple and Google, the other way around is a shoe, Google needs the revenue and most of the network hardware at Google is from Huawei, Apple needs China, because their stuff is produced there