Are you looking for a music app where you have better quality where you can save your own song?


I'm looking for an app that is of good quality, where you can put your instrumental songs on it and I can sing. Not when I have to make a video. Is there an app?

I want to have my own song created, which gives good quality for the app. Lyrics already prepared and instrumental saved in the gallery

Have a Huawei


An app? An app? The thing is a simple abbreviation for application and it's called the app.

You can only get good quality with good microphones, you won't get any further with cellphone microphones.

You would have to write a little more precisely what you want to realize, there's still some information missing.


I meant it. Whether there's an app. Woman first saves his instrumental there. Then I sing my text. And will save the zsm and post it on instagram


A computer with (for example) FL Studio is best suited for this

I can't think of anything for your cell phone


Can I also buy a laptop? And what do I need for the FL Studio?


Laptop works too and it doesn't require a lot of power


What about the microphone? Perhaps bass and can I process my voice? So how should I say I want to produce old school dancehall and don't know how to say it, can you do it like autotune?


Everything. You can really do anything with it