Just a general question, which manufacturer you prefer for yourself in terms of smartphones.
Any more detailed justification would be glad! 😁
IPhone, or rather iOS. Apart from the very reasonable restriction of our company, not to use operating systems that are older than three months, prefer the free movement, the seamless integration, the better data protection, the de facto existing malware freedom etc.
So this malware freedom is a misconception, something that has always been impossible. But thanks for your answer.
The Apple has less malware in the AppStore just fact, because it is a closed system. As a developer you have to justify yourself for everything you want to ask the user. Otherwise, an app does not make it to the store. The occasional gaps are found, shows that it is not the rule, but rather the exception.
I was just a few months ago Android users with a pixel 2XL. Great phone, no objection. The operating system is easy to use. I sometimes wonder why Apple does not implement simple things like closing all tabs. Some features are not optimal and self-explanatory. That runs through much in Android. The really critical issues like backup and notification still need to be greatly improved. Notifications are constantly misused for advertising and that should not happen.
What has led me back to Apple is the technical support that almost never exists on Google. Because there you are always referred to the community, which can cause a lot of frustration in some situations. Repairs take longer, because there's generally no comparable support for smartphones as Apple or Dell.
Android OS and Smartphone Top
Support and reliability flop
With Apple, I do not have a better phone or better OS, but it is less frustrating in problem situations.
So Apple is just fine, but the price is no longer normal. There, the camera is really good, but the missing homebutton is impractical. Samsung is quite solid, but I do not understand why all have Samsung. Huawei has now really risen and the P20 Pro can easily take it for example with the Iphone. Even the cheaper models are totally good.
The app store is not the only potential malware source