Which mobile phone manufacturer would you prefer? Huawei hardly anyone, right?


At the end of July I have a contract extension of my mobile service provider. I'm now wondering which mobile phone you can currently recommend. So far I have always taken Apple. My question is now, will Apple also get in trouble? I once read an article that the Chinese want to take revenge now in which they boycott parts to Apple. Apple is already looking for other suppliers in advance, for example in India and Vietnam. What do you think about it? What would you get for a cell phone to be affected in the future without boycott attacks?


My opinion:

This hiccup with B oykott ect. Has been around for a long time.

Apple, Huawei, Samsung ect… Have been killed many times and all are still alive and will live in the future.

Meant to say, buy the phone, which you can afford and what you're up to.

I was and am Applefan.


I like Huawei very much, I still have the Mate 10 Pro, it was the hassle-free smartphone I've ever had.

However, I would probably prefer currently the OnePlus7!

Take a look at the review:


Apple will not have any problems, if China starts to ban Apple (which creates thousands of jobs there) would cut into their own flesh. Apple wants primarily out of China because of the imposed tariffs on the export from China to the United States.


Apple, Huawei, Samsung ect… Have been killed many times

Oh yes? Then when? What is currently at Huawei, there has never been.

Huawei was revoked the Android license.

ARM, the most important chip supplier, does not do business with Huawei anymore. Well, Huawei has its own chips, but it's about the licenses.

Huawei may no longer use Bluetooth.

Huawei may no longer use SD and Micro SD cards.

There's no end in sight…


I know -I know…

If you have concerns about Huawei, take Apple.


Why should I take Apple? I take Xiaomi!


OK. Or that

(Sorry that was on the FS)


Oneplus is also Chinese: /


So what? Everything is Chinese…