Unfortunately my question is permanently deleted. I'm female and have this rash you know where. It is only there and rough. What can it be?
Why don't you go to your gynecologist?
Because it was in the middle of the night?
Alkaline soaps or wrong shower products are probably not good and destroy the natural acid protection of the skin. This leads to itching, burning, reddening, fungal attack, etc. So, immediately omit these agents, disinfectants and other ointments with preservatives. They only destroy the body's own acid protection.
But you can improve everything yourself with a great home remedy. Dilute organic apple cider vinegar 1:10 with water.
In an emergency, take any salad vinegar from the kitchen and dilute it with water. Take a PET bottle and add 1 cm of vinegar and 10 cm of water. So you can do something about your itching immediately.
Look in the link and do that…
In an emergency, you can now dilute any salad vinegar in the kitchen with water (1:10) and rub it on your skin to relieve skin tension and pain.
That really helped a lot of people with skin problems very quickly and it was also absolutely harmless and cheap!
And to the question that is always deleted; it is possible that someone is very bothered by your pictures. They are not necessary in this amount. Normal words like itching, burning, rash… In the genital area would be quite sufficient.
I actually do not use any maintenance products there other than water. But thanks for the remaining tips and the detailed answer.
Well, as I said, it's just there. It does not itch, does not burn, no discharge or smell. Nothing. It is only these 2 "rough spots".
And I can pronounce these words, but since my question has been deleted several times, I have little desire to stir up any other moods that then report the question again.
And as I said, thanks for your help.