Brother (6) wants a cell phone?

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Hi, my brother wants my Huawei p8 since I now have an iphone 5s.

I got my the 5th grade, and my brother said I was the first in the second reason, he also wants one my brother printed broadsheet of:

I want a Huawei! My parents think it's too young too, but my brother is annoying with it. What do you think?


Even if he is annoying, be absolutely stubborn. Children have no business on cell phones.


I agree


Your parents are right, let him annoy. How does he justify his wish? Does he have something to lose?


Because he said I had a cell phone so early which is not true


In the 5th you're still a child.


That only brings theater, you should tell him plain and clear that he is too young for it. There's no discussion.


My first had to switch to 5th grade when I was 10

if I can roughly remember I was able to play a car game from time to time on my mother's old keypad… And I thought that was really cool.


I needed it because I took the bus there


Children often annoy when they see something they really want.

Today the cell phone tomorrow something else.


Nevertheless, you are still a child. You can't say that children don't need a cell phone.


I got my cell phone very late. But I think you have to keep up with the times. It also makes sense to learn how to use it, it is simply a skill that you have to have in our time. If there are problems, you can still set fixed times or set them directly on the phone.


Yes so toddlers. I need the cell phone for an emergency. It doesn't concern you why I already need it


In principle, children don't need a cell phone either. If you need it for the bus that would be a reasonable reason and an exception. Exceptions prove the rule. 6 year olds don't use public transport and don't need cell phones


It's not that you need it, it's that children don't need it. When you're one yourself. Just point out your reasoning. You don't need to get sneaky either.


There are also 6 year olds who have to take the bus to school.

So are you defending a generalization with a generalization?


Then you don't need a cell phone, because then you go to elementary school and the teachers and SL take care of communication with parents if buses don't come.


I don't want to argue about the content, but about the reasoning.


Irrelevant to answering the question.


I do not think so.

By noticing that an argument given is not conclusive, you may be noticing. It's not a real reason, it's just emotions. Where they come from is another matter.

Probably. Something like: If I haven't had a cell phone so early, he can't either. And already not a better one than I have ".


I also need it for school in general e.g. We should call our parents recently if we can stay longer because of an appearance